This is the final render of my animation.
What could I do better next time?
I Could have made the model more appealing to look at rather than just a simplistic 44. Magnum. The Animation was also a little simplistic and I could have made it more complex but I did not have much time so I could only manage a 9 second long animation.
What skills could I improve upon?
I Could improve my animating skills because I couldn't quite get the timings right. My modeling skills could use work too.
What went well?
The model itself turned out pretty good and the animation looked at least satisfactory.
What did not go so well?
SAVING! I made the mistake of not saving my work occasionally and the programme crashed causing all my work to be lost so I needed to restart the animation
Time management – did I use my time well?
I used my time moderatly well untill it was wasted by my saving mistake, then I was forced to do the whole animation over again.
What have I learned – how far have I travelled?
I learned more about animating in 3Ds Max and a little more about lighting. I think I have travelled a little way on the road to 3Ds Max MASTERY!
What am I confident with?
I am confident with my abbility to model but not so much in animating, I need to work on that
Did I get the desired outcome?
Well considering the fact that I originally wanted a gun firing then a reload instead of just a reload... no i didn't get the desired outcome, but I still like it!