Thursday, 21 March 2013

Progress Render

This rendered video will not be the final animation but contains the animations that will be used. The rendering of these animations can be done in different ways, it can be rendered straight out as an .avi file but this is very risky and the quality is somewhat flawed, that's because .avi files will go on to be compressed twice therefore lowering quality. A way around this is to render each frame as a single .bmp or .jpeg. this will take up more space but makes it possible to resume rendering from any frame if the computer crashes. For example; there is 1200 frames in a single animation and it crashes at frame 967 and it has taken 5 hours to get to that point.You can then start a new render at frame 968 without loosing any footage. I have made the mistake of rendering each section of animation out as a .avi so the quality is not what it should be in this video.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Primary Research Photos

Theses are the primary research photo's I have taken as a point of reference for my 3D model of the Bandstand. Behold my awesome photography skills!

Monday, 4 March 2013

3D Environment Sound Examples!

For the ambiance in my environment I could use heavy breathing and footsteps. Birds and other creatures can also be used. I would want the music used to be creepy and unnatural but only for my personal animation. The team animation could include acoustic guitar and maybe a simple drum beat.

The link above includes some sounds and noises I would like to take inspiration from; heavy breathing, narration, footsteps ect. The music also builds up as the trailer progresses to give the sense of a frantic struggle but this isn't the sort of thing I'm wanting to go for. Suspense is everything to a creepy atmosphere!

The link above is more suited to what I need, it contains creepy music and sound effects throughout giving it a spooky and creepy atmosphere. When a battle is started the music changes as well but soon reverts back to the original atmospheric music.

Equipment I plan to use:

I would like to record some Foley effects for breathing and footsteps using microphones. The software I want to use is Cubase and the Keyboard plugin, the music shall be Ocarina of Time inspired or even remixed versions of music from the game. Ambiance sounds can usually be achieved through recording wind and general sounds outside but it would be easier to download open source effects from certain websites and use some of them for ambiance sounds.

Different music I can use as inspiration:

Some of these don't really fit but I can still use them as inspiration to create my own original piece of music. I just need to learn Cubase a bit better and then it shouldn't be that hard to create a small piece.