Thursday 13 September 2012

Maps and HCI (Human Computer Interface)

Human Computer Interface is the way a human interacts with a computer. Objects like the Keyboard and the mouse are interfaces. Things on sites like login boxes or interactive buttons are also a type of interface. The way the site makes you notice these interfaces is by making them look important, things like a glowing effect or a bevril emboss effect. Sometimes they will be animated to catch the eye of the viewer.

We have been asked to create a flash site for a map of the Shipley stretch of the Leeds - Liverpool Canal. We are marking key historical landmarks so you can hover your mouse over them and look at the story of that building. We will be marking the points of interest with icons most likely of our own creation and animate them to be interactive buttons. This might prove difficult because my Adobe Flash skills aren't as good as my Photoshop skills. The style I'm doing this map in is quite simplistic but sometimes simplicity is better than an elaborate and over the top design.

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