The picture above is my original Concept Sheet for our Team Logo. Our Team Name is Cyberchondriacs, you might be wondering; "what is a Cyberchondriac?" if you're not, tough, I'm explaining it anyway. A Cyberchondriac is a variation of a Hypochondriac. They look up symptoms they thing they posses and get extremely paranoid with whatever comes up, thinking they have that specific disease. We chose it as our Team name for a number of reasons:
- Our Flash artist (Rory) uses it as his DeviantART account name
- It sums most of our team up nicely
- It just sounds awesome

First order of business, we had to experiment with different Fonts for our Logo's. Seeing as our name implies computers and such, I decided to search for some sci-fi inspired styles. I also experimented with a few gothic styles as well, just for a bit of diversity. Next, we had to think about colour schemes weather it be blues, reds, greens, yellows... whatever. I went for blues and maybe a little green. Blue my not sound to cyber-esque but I took that colour scheme from Tron which uses blues everywhere. After that, we considered types of shapes, I considered a sort of Trible pattern but turned out to be a flop.After Failing my trible idea, I looked at logos such as the Rockstar Games Logo and the Machinima Logo which are quite simple and easy to understand.

This design came out a whole lot better than my trible inspired logo. It could still use some tweeking though. For instance, the small print may be to hard to read once the logo is very small. A solution to this could be a larger font wraped around the logo itself.
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